Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Everybody Go Surfing" Portugal?!

“Everybody go surfing” urged the Beach Boys. Well that’s all well and good but it’s not that easy to do when you live in the North of England! Indeed the thought of taking to the freezing cold British waters with a surfboard and a wetsuit doesn’t really appeal does it? But if you do fancy brushing up your skills or (if you’re like me) learning how to stay on the board then a surfing holiday might be just what you’re after.

Holidays that incorporate a hobby or learning experience are becoming increasingly popular and surfing holidays are no different. Located in the south-west of Portugal the Algarve Surf Camp provides surfing opportunities for surfers of all levels from, according to the camp, “the never have to the avid wave hunter.”

The camp itself is situated in a picturesque area of stunning beaches and striking cliffs. The guides and instructors are all locals, and can teach you all the basics of surfing or show you around all the great beaches.

Equipment is provided, as is transport to and from the beach. The staff can not only tell you the best location for the best waves but also the best place for a drink! Whether you finally managed to get on the board or you just rode the best wave of your life you’ll want to celebrate. The surf camp staff can provide transport to Lagos where you can enjoy a fantastic night out.

The accommodation is billed as “the perfect surfer’s hangout”. A great atmosphere, plenty of surf DVD's and video's, good rooms and beds, use of a kitchen ,outside lounge area with BBQ, great music and close to good restaurants (where a good meal with beer can be had for €10 ). Cowabunga indeed!

Russ Pooley writes for Drake & Cavendish who provide a luxury hotel research directory featuring over 5,000 luxury hotels in over 700 resort locations around the world. As a content provider we are committed to developing entertaining and informative travel related information. You can read further articles and details at

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